Counseling and Coaching services in Bay City Michigan.

“EMDR Therapy with Theresa helped me understand my anxiety triggers and how my body stores memory and responds.”

— New EMDR Client

Adult Therapy Services

I first want to say well done!! You took your first step in therapy thinking about your wellness and putting yourself first. When you come into my office, we'll do a clinical assessment. This helps me determine where you are on your journey and how your family of origin story and experiences got you to this point. We do not dwell on your past but it is a critical piece of your puzzle to understand how you experience your life in the present. Once we learn your story, we can begin collaborating on a treatment plan that is right for you and your individual goals. My therapeutic tool box is full of Evidenced Based Interventions including:

  • EMDR, (eye movement desensitization & reprocessing)

  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

  • Psycho-dynamic/ insight

  • Relaxation Training

  • Brief , solutions-focused

  • Body informed relaxation and breath work

  • Level 2 Gottman Method Couples Therapy

    (Please note: In my practice, patients are very much involved in the treatment planning process. In order to achieve the success, you're looking for, you must be a willing and agreeable participant, and be ready to embark on a journey of self-discovery, working toward a resolution or comfortable maintenance.) Let’s Get To Work!

Coaching Services

Individual and relational coaching services are different than therapy services. Coaching is not built on the medical model requiring a formal diagnosis and treatment plan.

Individual coaching helps you process difficult issues in your life. You have big goals in life, and you’re working hard to accomplish them. You have a hard time slowing down and not staying busy. You have a very strict idea of what your life should look like, and you don’t know how to stop until you get where you want to go. You work long hours and say yes to anything your boss asks you do. You want to show your family you care about them by doing things they could do themselves. You are so exhausted and feel guilty sitting down taking time for yourself. Basically, you’ve got no boundaries!

Relational coaching focuses on improving your most valuable connections. It is not about pointing fingers or blaming your partner rather the exchange that occurs in the space between both humans. I provide a safe, compassionate environment while helping you explore and understand where your communication style gets stuck. I have a three pronged assessment protocol that will give you a beautiful summary and map of your most challenging areas. I am very persistent about holding you accountable to yourself and goals.

I am passionate about coaching you towards dynamic changes not only in your mind but your bodies experience of change. I work best with highly motivated individuals and partners who are committed to not turning our coaching relationship into a dumping or complaining session.

I am not what has happened to me. I am what I choose to become.
— Carl Jung

Questions before getting started? Get in touch.